Adam Smith Workshop

Adam Smith Workshop Spring 2025

10th and 11th April 2025

HEC Paris

Call for Paper:

You are invited to submit papers for the Adam Smith Workshop for Spring 2025. The workshop will take place over two days on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th April 2025. The workshop will be hosted by HEC Paris. There will be a conference dinner on 10th April 2025.

The workshop will consider papers in all areas of finance, including Asset Pricing, Behavioral Finance, Corporate Finance, Financial Intermediation, Household Finance, and International Finance. Papers will be presented in two parallel streams, one labeled Asset Pricing (AP) and the other Corporate Finance (CF). There will also be one joint session with papers that are of interest to researchers in both Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance.

Submission deadline and procedure:




There is limited funding available for presenters and discussants for travel and accommodation costs.

Program Committees

Asset Pricing: 

Co-chairs: Adrian Buss (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and CEPR) and Irina Zviadadze (HEC Paris and CEPR)

Members: Frederico Belo (INSEAD and CEPR), Harjoat Bhamra (Imperial College and CEPR), Pedro Bordalo (Said Business School), Svetlana Bryzgalova (LBS and CEPR), Laurent Calvet (SKEMA and CEPR), Roberto Gomez Cram (LBS and CEPR), Marco Grotteria (LBS), Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen (BI Oslo), Christian Julliard (LSE and CEPR), Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College and CEPR), Howard Kung (LBS and CEPR), and Raman Uppal (EDHEC and CEPR).


Corporate Finance: 

Co-chairs: Olivier Dessaint (INSEAD and CEPR) and Johan Hombert (HEC Paris and CEPR).

Members: Claire Célérier (University of Toronto and CEPR), Claudia Custodio (Imperial College and CEPR), Mariassunta Giannetti (SSE and CEPR), Xavier Giroud (Columbia and CEPR), Juanita Gonzalez-Uribe (LSE and CEPR), Dirk Jenter (LSE and CEPR), Peter Koudijs (Erasmus and CEPR), Augustin Landier (HEC Paris and CEPR), Steven Ongena (University of Zurich, SFI and CEPR), Marco Pagano (Federico II and CEPR), Jörg Rocholl (ESMT and CEPR), David Thesmar (MIT and CEPR), Victoria Vanasco (CREI and CEPR)

Local Committee

Bruno Biais (HEC Paris), Jean-Edouard Colliard (HEC Paris), Tjeerd de Vries (HEC Paris), Francois Derrien (HEC Paris), Matthias Efing (HEC Paris), Quirin Fleckenstein (HEC Paris), Thierry Foucault (HEC Paris), Jessica Jeffers (HEC Paris), Stefano Lovo (HEC Paris), Jacques Olivier (HEC Paris), Alexei Ovtchinnikov (HEC Paris), Ciaran Rogers (HEC Paris), Daniel Schmidt (HEC Paris), Paul Voss (HEC Paris).

The Adam Smith Workshop is a regular event organized jointly by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), EDHEC Business School, HEC Paris, Imperial College Business School, INSEAD, London Business School, London School of Economics and Political Science, and Saïd Business School (University of Oxford).

Sponsoring institutions